The Relevance of Our Blessed Virgin Mary’s Birthday In Our Faith Journey
For us Catholics, there are more reasons to celebrate during the “BER” months as some of the major holy days of obligations are being celebrated, two of which are the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception on December 8th and the Solemnity of the Nativity of our dear Lord Jesus Christ on December 25th. However, even before the said liturgical celebrations, something special and important in our salvation history is also being remembered and that is the birthday of the Blessed Virgin Mary which is today, the 8th of September.
Some of us may not be fully aware of the Blessed Mother’s birthday much more about the Immaculate Conception, that she was conceived without original sin. For those who have not had a chance to seize the opportunity of studying the catholic doctrine, original sin as explained in the Catechism of the Catholic Church is the first personal sin of Adam and Eve which was transmitted to their offspring, passed down from generation to generation. In other words, we have inherited Adam and Eve’s first sin, and that only when we are baptized can the said original sin be wiped out from us.
The Blessed Virgin Mary being chosen as the mother of God was granted a heavenly privilege of being free from original sin. Even in the womb of her mother, St. Anne, Virgin Mary was kept free from the original sin, by the grace of God and by our Lord Jesus Christ. She was blessed among all women, hence she’s an exception to the so-called “all have sinned” rule.
As Catholics, we believe that the selection of the Virgin Mary as Jesus’ mother on earth was all God’s plan. She was honored most greatly by God and by His followers from then till now, hence her titles as Queen of Heaven and Earth, Mother of the Church, Mother of All Nations, among others. Our Blessed Mother plays a pivotal role in our spiritual journey, specifically in leading us to God. As Christians, we are called and challenged to emulate the life of the Blessed Mother, specifically her humility, obedience, purity and simplicity. It is beneficial for us to do so as the Blessed Mother is filled with graces and virtues and she is willing to share with us the same if we draw close to her.
I remember a short prayer I’ve learned from my mother during the good old days! She would say, “O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee” after every prayer or after the recitation of this particular prayer, entitled: Prayer for the Home. To her, the utter of this powerful brief prayer provided comfort and relief. This has been true to our family as well. Our Lady never failed to help us whenever challenges come our way. Trust me, if you fervently pray for her help, she’s always to the rescue, so to speak. The Memorare prayer can confirm this, a portion of which states: anyone who fled to her protection, implored her help, or sought her intercession, “was left unaided”. Do you know that with the Blessed Mother’s intercession, we will be able to conquer our weaknesses and avoid committing the same mistakes and shortcomings? Indeed, the Blessed Mother provides solace and hope to those who implore for help . This is one of her promises as depicted in some of her apparitions.
The Blessed Virgin Mother is very important in our life. She serves as our Spiritual Mother. She leads us to God. She prays with us, listens and intercedes for us, particularly if and when we pray the Holy Rosary. Surely, the Blessed Mother is closer to God than any other persons or saints, thus, it is she who can bring us closer to her Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. If we can ask help from the Saints in heaven, or if we can ask our loved ones or close friends on earth to pray for us in times of need, why can’t we seek our Lady’s help and entrust our petitions to her so she can pray for us too?
Just like any ordinary birthday celebrations, we bring happiness to the celebrant and their family and friends. Birthdays are joyful and enriching to celebrate! Greeting and honoring the Blessed Mother on this very important day affirms our devotion to her Immaculate Heart and this is one way to make us closer to her. Some people, like me, call our Blessed Mother “Mama Mary” simply to make the relationship closer and personal. During her birthday, let us be more extra generous by offering prayers, by sincerely reciting the Holy Rosary for the intentions of other people, those who are struggling with hardships in life, and those who are in pain and suffering. In so doing, we will be putting smiles to the beautiful faces of Our Lady and of our Lord Jesus Christ!

Our Blessed Mother, we thank you for helping us in our daily needs. Please continue to be in our midst always. Kindly pray for all of us and for our personal intentions. Please show us on how to be faithful followers of your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. Please help us pray for those who do not know, honor, or venerate you so that they too will be blessed and eventually they will be a blessing to others too. Amen.
Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you. Blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen.
According to St. John Vianney, “If you invoke the Blessed Virgin when you are tempted, she will come at once to your help, and Satan will leave you.”
This blog serves as My Useful Tips’ greeting to Mama Mary on her birthday. O Holy Mary, Our Hope, Handmaid of the Lord, Pray for us! Jesus, King of Mercy, we trust in You. Amen.